Author Archive for Trisha Baker


Crimson Revenant Will Be Available On March 17th!!!!

That’s right, Crimson fans, the book you’ve been waiting for–my first new material in TWELVE YEARS–is coming out on St. Patrick’s Day.   I think Irish Meghann O’Neill will appreciate that.

There’s a possibility, weather permitting (Dark Oak Press is located in Tennessee and they’ve had horrible weather lately) that I will have hard copies available next week, for CoastCon38.  If any of you are in the Biloxi area, I will be signing books from March 20 – March 22.  If you want to be among the first to own Crimson Revenant with a personalized autograph, stop by.

I don’t mind telling you I’m a little nervous about Crimson Revenant’s reception, being that it’s been so long since I published new material.  Please let me know what you think and feel free to review on Amazon.

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Coast Con 38

Hi Crimson Fans!

For any of you living in the Southeast, I’ll be at Coast Con 38 this year with my very own Crimson table! We’ll have hard covers of the first three novels in the Crimson series and I’m more than happy to do personalized autographs.  Here’s more details:, but in a nutshell it’s March 20-22 in Biloxi. I’ll also be on several panels if you’d like to join in chats about campy movies, the future of horror writing, etc.

Please come to Coast Con if you’re in the area–it’s always fun to meet face to face!

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Crimson Shadows is now available!

Happy Holidays, Crimson fans!

Crimson Shadows is now available at in hardcover, trade paperback, and Kindle versions.  If you have Nook, it can be purchased at

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Crimson Shadows/Crimson Revenant Update

Hello Crimson Fans!

I know I told you that Crimson Revenant would be republished by now, but Dark Oak Press decided to wait until Crimson Shadows was ready to roll before releasing it.  When you think about it, that makes sense–now the books will be in order.

Crimson Shadows will be out in a few weeks (sorry, I don’t know if it will be in time for Christmas) and Crimson Revenant–the NEW material, the biggie–will follow it soon after.

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Something Different

Today, I posted a story on the Animal Rescue Site about how my newest cat, Toulouse, came into our lives last year.  She feels her life story trumps any vampire saga.  If you’d like to learn more about her, go to:

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Contraflow 2014

Hey Crimson Fans,

Huge News!!! I’ll be appearing at Contraflow 2014 this October 3-5 in New Orleans, LA.  The details aren’t finalized yet, but I know I’ll be doing a few panels and definitely signing copies of the novels.  Once I have dates and times, I’ll post them.  For now, I do hope to see you at Contraflow!

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker




Check Out the Revamped!

Hey Crimson Fans, has undergone a major overhaul!  The site now has:

  • The first chapter of Crimson Revenant!
  • More pictures!
  • A Buy Now Button for the newly released titles!

Later, we plan on adding video blogs.  They’ll range from showing you locations in the novels to how well I can do on a firing range, blowing away undeserved parking tickets.  Check it out!

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


A Crimson First!

Last week, Allan Gilbreath got in touch with me to say most of the edits are done for Crimson Night, and it’s ready to roll.  Then he asked me how I’d like the back blurb to read.  For a moment, I was stunned.  Kensington never asked for my thoughts on the back blurb, or cover design.  They simply sent me a sample of both and if I didn’t like it, too bad!

One I got over my shock (a publisher that actually values my opinions???), I wasn’t sure how to go about writing a back blurb.  I’m pretty good at novels, but describing them?  It’s been years since I wrote a synopsis.  My first (cowardly) impulse was to let Allan handle the whole thing.

The next afternoon, it occurred to me this is easy!  All I had to was write what I think Crimson Night is all about.  The whole affair went from daunting to fun in about two minutes.  I took my first stab at back blurb, and sent it off to Allan.  He refined my stabs, and I think the back copy looks fantastic!

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Crimson Shadows Will Be Republished.

After much thought, I handed Crimson Shadows over to Dark Oak Press so it can join its Crimson brethren in being republished.  As some of you know I was reluctant to do this because I consider Crimson Shadows the weakest book in the series.  But when I heard from some of you, it occurred to me I was being a bit churlish.  Sure, Crimson Shadows got negative reviews, but it had adherents as well.

My wonderful new publisher, Alan Gilbreath, asked me if I wanted to edit Crimson Shadows, obliterate what I felt was wrong with the novel.  The answer is that all the flaws are taken care of by Crimson Revenant and Crimson Resurrection.  Don’t worry, there won’t be any Dallas moment of Meghann waking up and finding Simon in the shower.  I have something much more insidious up my sleeve for the series.

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Crimson Kiss Is Now Available On Kindle!!!!!
