Archive for December, 2013


Happy Holidays To All! The Crimson Series Is Being Republished!

Yes, it’s true, after a near decade out of print; the Crimson series has a new home!  We’re heading over to Dark Oak Press.  You can check out their website— and their facebook page, Dark Oak Press.

The following books will be reprinted—Crimson Kiss and Crimson NightCrimson Shadows will not be reprinted because I’ve always considered it my weakest effort, and I’d rather it remained out of print.  For those of you who must have a copy of Crimson Shadows, it’s still available for relatively cheap prices at and 

As far as new material goes, Crimson Revenant is complete!  I’ve already sent it off to Alan Gilbreath, publisher of Dark Oak Press, and he assures me it’s in the editing process.  I expect to start Crimson Resurrection after the New Year, and I hope to finish it by summer.

All the books will be printed in trade paperback form.  There will also be—hold onto your capes, Crimson fans! —some hardcover copies.  I’ve never seen my books in hardcover, and I can’t wait to hold one in my hands.  Now I’m an old-fashioned Luddite, but Dark Oak Press isn’t so the books will also be available on Kindle and Nook.  As far as prices go, check out the books available on—they have some fantastic stuff!  I particularly enjoyed The Decembrists, by Kimberly Richardson.  If you’re looking for non-fiction, check out Tales From the French Quarter, by Kalila Smith.

I’m not sure of the publishing schedule yet; though Alan assures me the old books and Crimson Revenant will role out in 2014!  When we have a firm date, I’ll blog it but one thing is definite—the Crimson series is definitely getting back in print this coming year.

Thank you so much to every fan that has stood by, and waited with me for this happy news!
