Archive for March, 2015


Crimson Revenant Will Be Available On March 17th!!!!

That’s right, Crimson fans, the book you’ve been waiting for–my first new material in TWELVE YEARS–is coming out on St. Patrick’s Day.   I think Irish Meghann O’Neill will appreciate that.

There’s a possibility, weather permitting (Dark Oak Press is located in Tennessee and they’ve had horrible weather lately) that I will have hard copies available next week, for CoastCon38.  If any of you are in the Biloxi area, I will be signing books from March 20 – March 22.  If you want to be among the first to own Crimson Revenant with a personalized autograph, stop by.

I don’t mind telling you I’m a little nervous about Crimson Revenant’s reception, being that it’s been so long since I published new material.  Please let me know what you think and feel free to review on Amazon.

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Coast Con 38

Hi Crimson Fans!

For any of you living in the Southeast, I’ll be at Coast Con 38 this year with my very own Crimson table! We’ll have hard covers of the first three novels in the Crimson series and I’m more than happy to do personalized autographs.  Here’s more details:, but in a nutshell it’s March 20-22 in Biloxi. I’ll also be on several panels if you’d like to join in chats about campy movies, the future of horror writing, etc.

Please come to Coast Con if you’re in the area–it’s always fun to meet face to face!

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker
