Archive for August, 2012


Dreams of Vampirism

Over the past month, I’ve had two amazing, vivid dreams about being a vampire. In the first one, I’m an apprentice vampire. There’s someone by my side, learning as I learn the ways of the night. The only thing I can say with certainty about the person by my side is that they were male—features, age, all of that was forgotten when I woke up. In the dream, an elderly man guided my partner and me. I remember he wore black, and had a mane of crisp, white hair.

In the dream, he handed me a folded piece of parchment. When I opened it, there was one word written in bold, black lettering—Soar. As I read the word, I heard his voice say “soar”, reverberating through my consciousness. The next thing I remember is flying through the black night, swooping up and down; giddy with joy.

When I landed, it was to take prey. I swooped down, like a hawk, and sank my fangs into his neck. (Interesting, now that I think on it, that everyone else in my dream was male.) I could taste the copper in his blood. It filled my mouth, and I felt myself swallowing. The blood filled me with exhilaration, and as I swallowed, that’s when I woke up to a rush of glee and energy filling me.

The second dream was much shorter, but no less memorable. I submerged myself in a pond at night. The details are hazy, but I think I was hiding from something or maybe I was lying in wait for prey. I remember being beneath that velvety, black water and looking up at everything. I could see flowers floating on the surface of the pond and spots of phosphorescence. That dream filled me with calm, and I woke up feeling soothed; and somehow complete.
