
Crimson Shadows Will Be Republished.

After much thought, I handed Crimson Shadows over to Dark Oak Press so it can join its Crimson brethren in being republished.  As some of you know I was reluctant to do this because I consider Crimson Shadows the weakest book in the series.  But when I heard from some of you, it occurred to me I was being a bit churlish.  Sure, Crimson Shadows got negative reviews, but it had adherents as well.

My wonderful new publisher, Alan Gilbreath, asked me if I wanted to edit Crimson Shadows, obliterate what I felt was wrong with the novel.  The answer is that all the flaws are taken care of by Crimson Revenant and Crimson Resurrection.  Don’t worry, there won’t be any Dallas moment of Meghann waking up and finding Simon in the shower.  I have something much more insidious up my sleeve for the series.

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker

6 Responses to “Crimson Shadows Will Be Republished.”

  1. June 24, 2014 at 2:01 am

    Please release your books as Ebooks for the amazon kindle I just loved all your books and I really need to replace my copies of them and wish to have them for my kindle fire please

  2. 2 Stacey Santana
    June 26, 2014 at 5:55 am

    Will the Crimson Series be available as ebooks for kindles and nooks?

  3. 4 Kamen
    July 15, 2014 at 12:48 am

    Is this going to effect the release date of Crimson Revenant? I’m excited for an excuse to re-read all the books!

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