
A Crimson First!

Last week, Allan Gilbreath got in touch with me to say most of the edits are done for Crimson Night, and it’s ready to roll.  Then he asked me how I’d like the back blurb to read.  For a moment, I was stunned.  Kensington never asked for my thoughts on the back blurb, or cover design.  They simply sent me a sample of both and if I didn’t like it, too bad!

One I got over my shock (a publisher that actually values my opinions???), I wasn’t sure how to go about writing a back blurb.  I’m pretty good at novels, but describing them?  It’s been years since I wrote a synopsis.  My first (cowardly) impulse was to let Allan handle the whole thing.

The next afternoon, it occurred to me this is easy!  All I had to was write what I think Crimson Night is all about.  The whole affair went from daunting to fun in about two minutes.  I took my first stab at back blurb, and sent it off to Allan.  He refined my stabs, and I think the back copy looks fantastic!

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker

3 Responses to “A Crimson First!”

  1. July 29, 2014 at 7:48 pm

    Knew you could do it!! Anxiously waiting for 4th book. Congrats.

  2. 3 Kamen
    July 29, 2014 at 7:49 pm

    Can’t wait to see it!

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