Archive Page 2


Crimson Kiss Will Be Back In Print Next Week!!!!!

Crimson Kiss Will Be Back In Print Next Week!!!!!

Dear Crimson Fans,

Next week Crimson Kiss goes back in print–if you follow the link to Dark Oak Press, you will see affordable copies are obtainable again, and for the very first time, hardcover copies are available as well as Kindle downloads.

According to Allan Gilbreath, he plans to release the novels every few weeks, so Crimson Night and the brand new Crimson Revenant should be available before the end of summer.  I’ll post links and dates as they become available.

Crimson Kisses,

Trisha Baker


Just Received The Edits For Crimson Revenant!

This is a short blog–I just wanted to say how excited I am to see proofs for one of my books again!  It drives home that republishing is really going to happen.  I’ll let everyone know when we have a release date.


Happy Holidays To All! The Crimson Series Is Being Republished!

Yes, it’s true, after a near decade out of print; the Crimson series has a new home!  We’re heading over to Dark Oak Press.  You can check out their website— and their facebook page, Dark Oak Press.

The following books will be reprinted—Crimson Kiss and Crimson NightCrimson Shadows will not be reprinted because I’ve always considered it my weakest effort, and I’d rather it remained out of print.  For those of you who must have a copy of Crimson Shadows, it’s still available for relatively cheap prices at and 

As far as new material goes, Crimson Revenant is complete!  I’ve already sent it off to Alan Gilbreath, publisher of Dark Oak Press, and he assures me it’s in the editing process.  I expect to start Crimson Resurrection after the New Year, and I hope to finish it by summer.

All the books will be printed in trade paperback form.  There will also be—hold onto your capes, Crimson fans! —some hardcover copies.  I’ve never seen my books in hardcover, and I can’t wait to hold one in my hands.  Now I’m an old-fashioned Luddite, but Dark Oak Press isn’t so the books will also be available on Kindle and Nook.  As far as prices go, check out the books available on—they have some fantastic stuff!  I particularly enjoyed The Decembrists, by Kimberly Richardson.  If you’re looking for non-fiction, check out Tales From the French Quarter, by Kalila Smith.

I’m not sure of the publishing schedule yet; though Alan assures me the old books and Crimson Revenant will role out in 2014!  When we have a firm date, I’ll blog it but one thing is definite—the Crimson series is definitely getting back in print this coming year.

Thank you so much to every fan that has stood by, and waited with me for this happy news!


Crimson Setback

Don’t worry, this is a minor setback. My poor motherboard got fried this month–that’ll teach me to buy a refurbished computer. I got a brand new, bells and whistles laptop this weekend, so I’ll be getting back to Simon’s adventures soon enough. I guess technology spoiled me–my writing just doesn’t flow as well when I write longhand instead of using a computer. If nothing else goes wrong (knock on wood!), I should have Crimson Revenant finished by the New Year.


Another Chapter of Crimson Revenant Done!

I only have three more chapters to go, and then I’ll complete a new book in the Crimson series for the first time in a decade!  I’m getting very excited.


Dreams of Vampirism

Over the past month, I’ve had two amazing, vivid dreams about being a vampire. In the first one, I’m an apprentice vampire. There’s someone by my side, learning as I learn the ways of the night. The only thing I can say with certainty about the person by my side is that they were male—features, age, all of that was forgotten when I woke up. In the dream, an elderly man guided my partner and me. I remember he wore black, and had a mane of crisp, white hair.

In the dream, he handed me a folded piece of parchment. When I opened it, there was one word written in bold, black lettering—Soar. As I read the word, I heard his voice say “soar”, reverberating through my consciousness. The next thing I remember is flying through the black night, swooping up and down; giddy with joy.

When I landed, it was to take prey. I swooped down, like a hawk, and sank my fangs into his neck. (Interesting, now that I think on it, that everyone else in my dream was male.) I could taste the copper in his blood. It filled my mouth, and I felt myself swallowing. The blood filled me with exhilaration, and as I swallowed, that’s when I woke up to a rush of glee and energy filling me.

The second dream was much shorter, but no less memorable. I submerged myself in a pond at night. The details are hazy, but I think I was hiding from something or maybe I was lying in wait for prey. I remember being beneath that velvety, black water and looking up at everything. I could see flowers floating on the surface of the pond and spots of phosphorescence. That dream filled me with calm, and I woke up feeling soothed; and somehow complete.


Crimson Series–Why the New Novel is Taking So ###!!! Long

Sometimes it’s hard to believe I’ve been writing the Crimson Series (off and on) for nearly a decade.  The new novel, Crimson Revenant, has taken a lot longer to write than its predecessors.

Why is that?  Writers block?  Somewhat.  I tend to get a great idea, write like a demon for a few weeks, and then get stumped for months.  Here’s a perfect example–anyone familiar with the books knows that Simon Baldevar murdered his older brother, Roger, shortly before he became a vampire.  In the new novel, I’m writing about how the murder took place.  Well, it took four months before I realized what the problem was.  I kept trying to write this perfect, calculated murder and I was tearing my hair out because the scene never turned out right.  Then one night it came to me what the problem was–the murder wasn’t perfect at all!  I was thinking of Simon as the smooth, polished vampire he became instead of the mortal man he was when the murder actually took place.  Simon, it turns out, killed his brother in a fit of unplanned rage and had a devil of a time getting away with it. 

Having characters do the unexpected is one of the things I love about writing this series.  The other thing is seeing how the characters have changed over the years.  Jimmy Delacroix (Meghann’s mortal lover) has impressed me by becoming a lot less self-centered and self-indulgent.  Simon, I feel, was losing some of his edge in Crimson Shadows.  I’m happy to see he’s satisfactorily sinister in the new novel and wouldn’t recognize political correctness if it sat up and bit him.

It does look like there’s light at the end of the tunnel for Crimson Revenant.  At most, there’s four or five more chapters to go.  If I put my nose to the grindstone, I’m pretty sure I can have it done by the end of summer.  Right now, I’m looking to put my new books (and republish the old ones) on Kindle.  Yes, yes I am a luddite in my heart and I love actually holding a novel in my hands.  Unfortunately, I don’t have sufficient funds to do POD and you can get ebooks up and available for free.


Hello world!

Well I guess you could say that I am moving on to the 21st century.  This is my blog and I’ll be updating it on a regular basis.  Also be sure to visit my website and be sure to see my facebook page

Crimson Kisses, Trisha
